“Good Energy”
A woman we met who has spent a lot of time working in and studying psychic energy (I am probably not describing her skills well) asked why we chose to live in Vaison la Romaine. I explained that we had visited Provence many times and, on each trip, had spent some time visiting Vaison la Romaine. When we started to look for a place to buy, it was clear that my idea of living in Avignon did not work. Ellen and our friend Dan both felt it was the wrong choice. So, we traveled around and looked at towns and villages across the south of France. We liked Sète a lot, but continued our trip and ended up at the villa that our friend Brian had rented in Vaison la Romaine. Since we were here, we asked friends and, based on their suggestions, contacted a realtor who showed us several options the final one being the little apartment that we bought. The realtor called it our “pied à terre” – an expression that Ellen still uses. We both loved the view and the small dent it would put into our savings in order to purchase it. Brian, a realtor by trade, helped us finalize our decision and then Ellen spent the next six months negotiating the French red tape of purchasing a property.
The woman who had asked the question may not have expected such a long answer but she had a huge smile and said that we probably decided to buy a place in Vaison la Romaine because of the “good energy” of the town. She did not emphasize the metaphysical but added that if you sit in any one of the cafés and watch the street, you see people who appear happy and pleased with life as they walk by. She said “Vaison has very good energy” and said that is why she and her husband bought a house here. I can barely see the street signs in front of me so I am sure that I scored poorly on the “see the psychic energy” test. But I feel that choosing an apartment here was not just serendipity. I wake up every morning happy (SO happy) to be here.
When you think about it, why did the Romans decide this was a good spot to establish their town? It might have been more than the valley surrounded by seven hills/mountains reminding them of Rome… Maybe they sensed the good energy/good sunshine/good spirit of Vaison?
People frequently ask me why I have returned for the past 12 years to vacation in the same spot, Vaison, and my response is always the same - "I just feel so good when I am there!" It's hard to describe but there truly is a magical feeling about this town and its environs. I have tried to create the feeling in our own home of Lansing, and in some ways have - like stalking the Lansing City Market and thinking it is the tuesday market in Vaison, but Vaison just has a certain magic about it that can't be put in words, at least not by me. I am so happy for you both that you are getting to live such a wonderful dream and that you are allowing us to share in your adventures!