Friday, January 23, 2009

Inauguration 2009: Give Hope a Chance

« Les Américains ne s'y sont pas trompés. Ils ont vécu mardi 20 janvier un moment d'histoire. Un de ces moments qui transforme la vie d'un pays, n'efface pas le passé, mais porte l'espoir d'un autre avenir. » Le Monde, 20 janvier 2009

"America got it right this time. Americans have lived a historical moment on January 20th, one of those moments which transforms the life of a country, does not erase the past but nourishes hope of a better future."

« Laissons sa chance à l’espoir. Depuis l’élection de Barack Obama, l’avenir a changé de camp. Il a retrouvé un visage humain. » Libération, 20 janvier 2009.

"Let's give hope a chance. Since the election of Barack Obama, the future has taken a different course. It has regained a humane face."
Thanks to Marie for editing and improving my translations.

Over the weekend, I had suggested to Ellen that we find a café in town that had a television so we could watch the inauguration from a comfortable seat in a bar. Ellen pointed out that what they run on French television would probably be in French and she didn’t want to miss a word of the address in English. We did some internet searching and found that CNN was running live streaming for the whole inauguration. We tuned in at 3:00 PM (9:00 AM DC time) to be sure that all of the internet connections were in place, and then we watched until we went to bed.

It was a truly wonderful adventure and event. We saw all that was broadcast on TV, along with the comments of Facebook participants who were watching from a variety of places around the globe. C’était merveilleux! It is a new regime in Washington and a new sense of hope around the world. There I go with that hyperbole thing again. – But in reality, we have heard so many people expressing their new optimism and hope, not unlike the news articles.

Tonight, we had wine with some British ex-pats who now live here. They, too, see the optimism of what the future in the US portends for the states as well as the world. We all have lived through a world-transforming event. As one of my oldest friends (from the first grade!) wrote on Tuesday afternoon: “Yes, we can! Yes, we did! And yes, he is... President Barack Obama!” (Thanks, Lynne). The only negative is that we are six time zones away. It would have been so exhilarating to have been there to share the experience with friends close by.

We will be ready to roll up our sleeves and to join all of you in helping make this new dream become a reality – in a few more than 60 days… ;~ ( & :-)

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